Why I became a Trauma-Informed Coach
What is Trauma?
Trauma is the result of an incident, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or threatening and can have lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and physical, social, emotional well-being.
Who has Trauma?
An estimated 70 percent of adults have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives.
What is Trauma-Informed Coaching?
Trauma-Informed Coaching is the practice of recognizing and understanding the presence of past trauma in a client’s present-day experience, in a coach-client relationship and how to use it as a guide for resilience and solution-forward resolution. Trauma-Informed Coaches have training in client regulation, brain-body connection, behavioral reaction, different types of traumas, leading causes, and subsequent symptoms. [Moving the Human Spirit]
Why I chose to become a Trauma-Informed Coach
My Trauma-Informed training enables me to maintain an awareness of how past trauma may impact how my client shows up in the world.
The pain point that my clients typically identify with, the one that leads them to me in the first place, is often a symptom of something much greater. It’s usually something that they have been grappling with for some time.
In my work with clients, we go beyond addressing symptoms. That pain point is simply a starting point. We dig deep until we identify the underlying root cause of their distress, and the behaviors that no longer serve them.
When you live through an overwhelming experience, it can actually rewire your brain and body. A traumatic event can change how your brain interprets information, which can impact your mood, memory and emotions. When we identify the effects of your personal trauma, we can work with the imprint of your past experiences as a catalyst for personal growth so you can thrive personally and professionally.
Additionally, after you experience a traumatic event, your nervous system may become dysregulated. Did you know that unresolved emotional trauma often leads to physiological or body-held trauma? Many people suffer from trauma, often childhood trauma, without realizing it, and this way of life becomes your new normal. This is why understanding the effects of trauma is so important, and why I became a trauma-informed coach.
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