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For the Woman Who Refuses to Sacrifice Herself to Succeed

Radical Prioritization   : 

 The Art of Doing Less and Achieving More


step back

Press Pause

Before the days of streaming entertainment, and even before the days of DVDs and VHS tapes, there was broadcast television. We lived in a world where if you needed to step away from the television to take a phone call from Aunt Susan, sadly you’d miss the best part of your show. 

Luckily, it’s 2021. Today, we live in a world where we can call a TV time out. We don’t have to miss a beat. We can tell our TV “hang on, don’t move, I’ll be right back” with the touch of a button. We press pause (even my six year old knows how to do it).

We are so busy being busy that we often forget we have the power to press pause in our own lives. When was the last time you took a step back to reflect on how you are living your life? When have you taken a hard look at where you are on your journey? When was the last time your reflected on where you want to be five years from now? On who you want to be five years from now? To reset your priorities? Maybe even to readjust your GPS. 

We often don’t have the time or capacity to look and plan ahead. To be strategic. Not just about our streaming “watch list.” What steps are we intentionally taking to strive for purpose? 

Taking that step back isn’t easy. Deep introspection and reflection are hard work…they take time and effort. Even more challenging can be the path forward…and the next step forward. 

What intentional actions have you taken to get to where you want to be?

What’s holding you back from making the time and space to press pause? 

January 4, 2021


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